​Business, Healthcare, and Workforce
This is where you will find information about all the programs within the Business, Healthcare, and Workforce division.
This orientation is mandatory for all students new to the BHW division. You must select a single program and complete its orientation before you will be able to register for classes.
Feel free to explore different programs' pages to learn about each one. Use the links at the side to navigate to a program's page. From there, you can watch videos to
• learn about that program,
• see what a job in that field would look like, or
• meet the program faculty
Once you find the program you wish to enter, be sure to view all of its orientation content, then take the quiz at the end to complete the orientation. At the end of the orientation, your student information will be sent to the Academic Planning Assistant, who will enable you to register for classes.
Welcome to the orientation center for
Business, Healthcare, and Workforce.
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