Veterinary Assistant
Welcome to Linn-Benton Community College's
Veterinary Assistant orientation!
​If you're interested in the Veterinary Assistant program, follow the links at the side to watch videos about the profession and learn about LBCC's program specifically.
If you decide that this is the program for you, be sure to view all of the content​, then take the short quiz at the end to complete the orientation. After you submit the quiz, your student information will be sent to the Academic Planning Assistant, who will then enable you to register for classes. You will receive a notification email as soon as you are able to register, so make sure to check your LBCC email address regularly. Please allow 2 business days for the Academic Planning Assistant to review your submission.
The Veterinary Assistant program requires a separate application. You must follow all the criteria and dates outlined in the bulletin. Applications are accepted on a first-come first-served basis, with priority acceptance first given to applicants who live in the LBCC tax district and have completed at least one college course prior to application. Neither early, incomplete, nor late applications will be considered. For more information, see the program bulletin.
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